• With that being said, my expectations weren't stratospheric, but I did not expect to be this entertained or to laugh this much.

    There are some things I'd like to get out of the way here. Please disregard any reviews (other than mine, of course) which include the following words or variations thereof: cringe, political, agenda, or feminist. This is a film about high school girls trying to deal with the issue of sex. I know I'm nearly 20 years removed from high school now, but as I recall sex was on the minds of just about everyone I knew at the time, including myself. It may be a touchy subject, but to ignore it would be simply cowardly. This flick manages to address the subject from the perspective of both the exploratory child, and the overprotective parent. There's only one logical conclusion for the parents to come to, and there's no agenda in that at all.

    This film isn't for the prudish or easily offended, so if that's you, don't bother. Also, why are you so bothered by sexuality? There's so little violence in this film, it's rather refreshing that I don't recall one instance of someone being shot or stabbed or losing a limb. One last thing: this film isn't about gender swapping characters in any way, so if you see that term in a review, it's most likely written by a neckbeard incel just like the other 1 star reviews.