• Warning: Spoilers
    In "The Cadillac", Jerry earns a big paycheck from a gig and decides to use the money to buy his dad a Cadillac. Elaine learns how much Jerry makes and starts flirting with him. A friend of Elaine's happens to also be a friend of Marisa Tomei's. She tells George that he's just Marisa's type. George begins to ponder over the idea of going on a secret date with her. Meanwhile, the cable company wants to come make an alteration to Kramer's cable box. Kramer uses this as an excuse to get back at the cable company for all his years of waiting around for them. He avoids the cable man at all costs.

    Jerry gives his pops the Cadillac which leads Jack Klompus to think that Morty is stealing funds from the condo association which Morty is president of. He ends up getting Morty impeached. George ends up meeting Marisa but things don't turn out great when he tells her he's engaged. Susan suspects George's cheating on her. Him and Elaine come up with an elaborate story about her boyfriend Art Vandelay. This alibi falls apart in the moment and George gets punched in the face by Susan. The cable guy breaks down and apologizes to Kramer and the two make up.

    This episode made me realize how rare it is to see a sitcom go a full hour. We'll see a longer episode or a two-parter every once in a while but I can't think of a traditional sitcom on today that is an hour long.

    Anyways, this is another great episode from Season 7. Art Vandelay will go down as one of my favorite aliases in TV history. I also love it when Jack Klompus gets some screentime. He's such a slimy character, it's great.

    George can't quit tripping over his own feet. Just when he has a good thing going, he goes and messes it all up again. It doesn't matter if it's work, a relationship, or personal, he'll always screw it up. That's the beauty of Georgey boy!