• Police Line is a good effort by Raju Parsekar at depicting the rough life of poorly-treated constables who form the heart of Mumbai's Police force.

    Our usual notions about cops are associated with corruption and abuse of power, but this film will show you the other side of things, wherein constables have to work for over 14 hours a day, stay in shabby quarters and take on criminals at great risk to their own lives. The fact that such (real) things haven't been covered in other movies is unfortunate, and this movie is remarkable with a fresh story.

    The direction is decent, and Raju makes sure everything stays together.

    Juvekar, as in his other brilliant performances from Morya and Rege, is great with his acting. His co-stars put in decent performances, but they seem over the top in certain scenes, partly because the screenplay is such.

    The editing could have been better, as the last quarter is much faster than the rest of the movie.

    Of course, one can't expect a grand set or a great soundtrack from a very low-budget Marathi movie.

    All in all, a nice movie that people should watch. I'm glad the Marathi movie industry still risks explore alternative movies, and the others should definitely try to do that same.