• Let's start there. Before any viewers had given the original show a chance, they all tuned in to see HOT Tom Selleck. Once they experienced the "flair" of the show and its title character, people fell IN LOVE.

    Move on to the 2018 reboot: sorry - the new actor portraying Magnum is likable, "cute" and - in this age of mandatory television diversity - suitably "ethnic". (hey - I'm Latino as well, like Hernandez - but I also remember the original show all-too-well). Unless you have someone who just commands every scene (even when he's not doing anything just because he's sooooo HOT), the show is no different than any other crime dram-edy. My guess is that someone close to Les Moonves (perhaps Julie Chen herself?) pushed to have this actor and this reboot greenlighted. Now that the "Old Order" is out and the "New Order" has yet to be named, I can't imagine this lame imitation is going to be around for long. My prediction: it's the first CBS new show to be cancelled this season.