
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Teddy Walker storms out of high school without bothering to even start his GED (this film never bothers t explain what a GED is for the benefit of non-USA audiences). Years later, when he loses his job, he finds he needs his GED for employment: his high achieving girlfriend knows nothing of this. So he returns to high school night classes, only to fal foul of tyhe headmaster, his old high school nemesis, not to mention Carrie, the night school teacher, who is cute but difficult to manipulate.

    Horror films and comedies, particularly romantic comedies, are particularly likely to follow a formula. So I was pleased when one of my confident predictions for the resolution of Teddy's story ended up wide of the mark. Having said that, there aren't too many surprises here, and much of the plot has you saying, as you so often do, "Why don't you just come clean and tell the truth?"

    This is not hysterically funny. It's mildly amusing most of the time. But oddly, I found myself liking Teddy. He's annoying, irritating, downright stpid at times, but there is no malice in him and he's genuinely likeable. And there are so many films where you can't say that about the characters.

    There are some very negative comments on IMDB = a lot of 1 out of 10 marks - but I quite enjoyed it.