• Warning: Spoilers
    9-5 corporate job, board meetings, discussing agenda, striving for recognition, to go up the ladder --- these are the common straits of a mediocre employee, which are being portrayed by Ranbir kapoor who dream't to be a Kalaakar since childhood, but is being driven to become an employee like anyone else due to pressure with in Family. While the subject seems simple, it has been shown in depths as in turmoil being faced by Ranbir when he shouts in frustration while doing Math in his teens, his vivid imagination to story telling in his childhood, hating to fight himself in else's shoes when Deepika discovers his real-self. Such unpredictable scenes requires an actor be in his fullest form and Ranbir aced it. Imtiaz Ali deserves best out-of-the-box director award for his work in Tamasha.

    Being said, Deepika displayed subtle emotions very well through out the movie and you'd never feel like she lost her pace acting beside Ranbir. Good job indeed.

    Do watch this movie guys! This movie bombed in its theatrical release for not accommodating the 'regular audience' mindset and expectations. But I believe its worth your time to rent a DVD or watch in netflix. You'd not feel bored.