• A movie that was confusing, different (in a good way), and pretty well played. All of these topics come to mind when thinking about the film "Wings of Desire" directed by Wim Wenders in 1997. This film was a unique fantasy drama that had a very interesting feel to it. Throughout this movie, Damiel and Cassiel had to be pretty quiet and emotionless as angels. People couldn't see them because they were angels. They would be in the skies of the city of Berlin watching over the great people in the city. The people's feelings and thoughts would draw the angels closer. The angels would try helping the hopeless people by making them feel like they weren't alone, which was actually true. The different colors of the backgrounds in this movie truly could confuse anyone. After figuring it out, the reason behind it was pretty interesting. The angels perspective created a black and white color background. The color switched to normal colors once the movie was in perspective of real life. There wasn't much of a plot in this movie, which made it interesting. The angels would just go from person to person which made it a little random from time to time, but it wasn't overwhelming. This movie was always keeping my attention. It might not be the go-to action movie, but it's definitely an interesting and well played out movie. The ending with Damiel deciding to take a dip into a real perspective going out of his angel self was a big turning point. Seeing Damiel after that just made you into it and made you wonder. Some of the scenes drug on for a longer time than they needed. Some scenes were just way too long that didn't need to be like that at all.