• It's been 4 years since the series finale, and seems like yesterday that I used to watch its TV teasers and give a damm to it.

    Except the spy theme and Piper Perabo, a charismatic petit mix of Julia Roberts, Amanda Peet, Jennifer Garner and brazilian actress Alinne Moraes, nothing about the show really caught my attention at that time. But now, after watching it on Amazon's stream service, I realized how wrong I was.

    As a huge fan of Alias that I am, of course that comparisons are inevitable thru the episodes, but there's no room here for that glossy spy fetish sci-fi that somehow corrupted J.J. Abrams's show thru the seasons. Covert Affairs instead tries to be more down to earth like Veronica Mars.

    As an episode themed series that it is, we cannot expect much plot development more than some action sequences that follows the main character's "weekly missions" and some lazy twists and cliched conflicts of the genre here and there. But anyway, the show makes its point as a light entertainment for those who just want to sit and watch it without the need to think too much. It has its charms though, like the main cast. Piper does a great job as the CIA recruit Annie Walker, and Keri Matchett as her CIA commander Joan Campbell is definitely an empowering role. Supporting actors like Christopher Gorham and Sendil Ramamurthy grows a lot throughout the seasons, and the chemistry between all of them is what makes viewers give it a fair try.

    The best of the show is that Annie Walker is really well developed at the moment viewers realize that she gets stronger as her experience grows thru episodes and missions complexities expands. She gets smarter, more tactical and mature in a natural pace. That's why first 2 seasons looks a little clumsy and generic, like a derivative product of those aforementioned shows and then it gets better and some kind solid after that, finding its own personality from that on.

    Interesting how a simple show as it is can turn out to be satisfactory and never pretentious. And five seasons were the necessary to make it not remarkable, but enjoyable in the exact amount.

    Give it a try, you'll enjoy it as much as I did.