
  • It's a shame that this show never lasted more than one and a half seasons because this world needs more Bruce Campbell.

    When Xena and Hercules were winding down, Sam Raimi's production company was looking for more opportunities. Some of them, like "Cleopatra 2525", weren't that fondly remembered but "Jack of All Trades" was. And it all starts at the theme song. No word of lie, it's possibly one of the catchiest theme songs ever and was even nominated for an Emmy.

    Bruce plays Jack Stiles, an American spy sent to the small French island of Pulau Pulau somewhere in the South Pacific to effectively spy on Napoleon Bonaparte. To do this he teams up with a lovely British spy and love interest and they play the roles of an ambassador and her attache. And then when necessary Jack takes on the guise of a hero of legend in those parts known as the Daring Dragoon and takes on Napoleon's forces while keeping his identity and Emilia's safe.

    It's played tongue in cheek, Bruce is at his snarky best, and Angela Dotchin who plays Amelia is ridiculously easy on the eyes. There's lots of historical anachronisms, Napoleon is played by Verne Troyer a.k.a. Mini Me from the Austin Powers movies. It's just a load of fun from start to finish.

    If you like Bruce Campbell and don't mind something ridiculous, give it a look.