• In my personal opinion no one does a slow burn better then Mr. Eastwood. His cinematography, lighting and ambience develops slowly... he's in no hurry to tell his story and that's what makes him such a great storyteller. We experience the anxiety of his first few trips and along with everyone else in the theatre...we wait for the other shoe to drop. His showcased advanced age along with his hunched posture and shuffled walk in this film is the perfect antagonist for what is expected and asked of him. We are privy to comparisons of his choices of work over family. Eastwood seems to have no regret or recollection of his daughters wedding whilst receiving an award for his prized lilies. He continues to be the "Mule" knowing all too well the consequences of his actions. Redemption is a very big price. Eastwood shines here. Don't expect a lot of action... but this film is a study in character... which is what Eastwood does best.