• Warning: Spoilers
    "The Snowy Day" is an animated short film for the holidays that was released back in 2016 and I will spare you the list of writers and directors for this book-based movie because it is more than you'd expect for a movie tht runs for under 40 minutes. The most known cast members here are Fishburne, Bassett and King and if you take a look at the skin colors of this trio, you should not be surprised that this film features African-American characters at the center of the story. But there are Whites too and they are talking about celebrating Hanuukah on one occasions. But yeah, back to the core of this film. I think it is mediocre at best from really every perspective, regardless if we are talking about the emotional aspect, the story or the animation. The latter may be perceived subjectively, but I felt the film looked very basic and not in a good way where you could say that it was a creative decision to make this film visually as essential as possible. The voice acting is probably still among the better aspects here, but also only because the rest is nothing special and the actors are experienced enough to breath some life into the characters. Overall, oit wasn't enough though for a positive recommendation, also because in my opinion this film dragged way too much at times for a film that stays comfortably under the 1-hour mark. Music was tolerable, but not outstanding. All in all, this did not get me in the Christmas spirit. My suggestion is to skip it.