• Warning: Spoilers
    This is my first review but I felt I needed to vent once I'd watched this.

    When I first read about The Vanishing/Keepers I was intrigued. I have studied the original mystery surrounding the Eilean Mor so was naturally excited to watch a movie with a possible explanation of the disappearance of the three lighthouse keepers.

    Was my curiosity aroused again?


    Nothing in this movie, apart from the names of the keepers and the remote location, resembled the 'facts' surrounding the mystery.

    Where were the lighthouse logs detailing the extreme weather? The initial mystery was supposed to take place in December, the setting in this movie does not look like winter to me. There are so many things that have been left out.

    I know that this is (possibly) artistic license but if you're going to do a movie about the unsolved mystery of The Flannan Isles then at least do your research otherwise change the names and do not base it on a real event.

    The setting and acting were superb which has saved it from a 1 star review and there's a solid bit of violence about half way through but other than that you have nothing.

    Initially I was excited at the prospect of seeing what the film makers made of this mystery but ultimately I was left angry and wholly disappointed.