• It's kinda difficult to rate this show as it evolves quite a bit. I liked season 1 more than season 2. Season 3 i'm sure is about the same. The actors and cast are very good. The show switches to a live format halfway through season 2 and it changes (including keeping actors mistakes which is kinda funny).

    The actors, Ron Funches is just outstanding and extremely likable. The two lead actors bicker quite a bit through season 2 which get's quite annoying at times. The actor's are good, it's the writing that is ruining things. They constantly overact which at times really gets annoying particularly Chris D'Elia who plays the ultimate narcissistic. He thinks everything revolves around him which is part of the show's humor, then he's forced into overacting to "play the role" which is annoying at times. But the whole cast is pretty outstanding and reels things back in. The jokes and writing is good, despite the annoying occasional forced overacting by the lead characters. I can see how some people wouldn't like it. But the supporting characters are so good much is forgiven for me. So if you dont like the supporting cast i'd say there's a chance you'd hate the show.

    The Live format makes it kinda unique as they don't really use a real professional approach which is kinda fun. Each person is kinda their own trainwreck in there own weird way (which i like)> The sister Bianca Kajlich adds the most fun to the show as she doesn't hide the fact that she is a trainwreck. I'm certainly unhappy it ended as i had alot of fun times late at night watching this motley crue of a cast. The tongue in cheek humor was quite funny at times, i could see how it would wear on you, due to the overacting but as is it's part of the show's charm (as it certainly doesnt take things very seriously). So if you like goofiness you'd probably like the show.