• Before you get mad about the score I'm giving this beautiful mess of a film, please keep in mind that I rate things on a scale of how entertained they kept me as opposed to how "good" they actually were.

    That being said, this movie is not anywhere close to good. In fact, it may even be outright bad. But I'll be damned if there was a single moment in the film where I was less than entertained. I laughed more during the course of Serenity's runtime than I did at a good majority of last year's intentional comedies.

    The performances were attempting to evoke a noir feel but came across more John Waters and the camp factor alone was a fascinating hybrid of cringy and hysterical. From Matthew McConaughey drinking during nearly every frame of the movie to Anne Hathaway saying "daddy" every other line, I won't forget their acting any time soon.

    The plot is a convoluted mess and some of the turns it took won't be well-received but who cares? By the time the "twists" twisted, I was already so engrossed by this deranged piece of filmmaking that I didn't mind one bit.

    Go with incredibly low expectations, try to lose yourself in the strange spell Serenity weaves, and you might just have as good a time as we did.