• You can't help but fall in love with Alita. Not just because of her big eyes, she is so full of wide eyed wonder, it's truly endearing. Absolutely adorable. Like the boy says about her, she may be cgi, but she is the most human feeling in the entire movie. With that said, the same boy either had bad acting or bad lines, or both. I expected a much different story from the title "Battle Angel". By that I mean I did not expect the roller derby subplot, or the get to the prestigious sky city climax. I guess I was expecting a war story. I came into this movie unfamiliar with the anime so I really didn't know what to expect. I was told to see Alita instead of captain marvel because it's a much better character and story, and I must agree. I saw both. There wasn't much of a climax so it slightly fizzled at the end but it really left it open for sequels which is what they were obviously going for. I hate to say this, because I'm against the transhumanist cyborg agenda being pushed on society (take notice all the robot commercials in the last super bowl) but I fell in love with Alita, and you will too.