• America's Next Top Model has upwards of twenty seasons and the first 3/4 are great, and then the final 1/4 is pretty much down the drain.

    Like many young women I grew up watching America's Next Top Model in the early 2000s, and then somehow or other fell out of it. Watching those early seasons again (season 1 to 15) much of it still has that popcorn eating appeal. The series is rife with drama, some insight into the modeling industry and many spectacular photo shoots enabling the series to run the gamut of the happily trashy to the highest of fine art.

    As many of the winners fell quickly out of the spotlight over the years, one comes to accept America's Next Top Model as a reality show foremost and a modeling career second. As a reality show America's Next Top Model felt like one of the better ones because some of the permanent cast like the fabulous Jay Manuel reportedly did genuinely care about the models-to-be. Jay Manuel and Tyra Banks did try to keep it real, as well as some of the other judges like Andre Leon Telly and Paulina Porowitz (sp?). For the most part the judges tried to steer the models into a good direction, sometimes into becoming commercial models, or focusing on runway, or acting or producing. They tried not to be harsh but could be right divas some of the time, which is what the public liked at the time as many watched American Idol on the same nights as America's Next Top Model.

    But eventually much of the better staff and judges were fired, much to the degradation of the show. The replacement judges were terribly bitter or vapid in the worst way. This is probably around season 18 to the end, like season 23 or around.

    America's Next Top Model always had a problematic message of encouraging girls to push ahead despite their discomfort for the means of capturing a good photo. However in the later seasons this message became a kind of masochism, with photographers denying the amateur models even common comforts such as in season 21 when a Guess photographer wouldn't give a cramping Jourdan a foot rest in a back twisting, knee raised photo shoot.

    For me, watching season 21 was a kind of self inflicted masochism. I wouldn't recommend it because it doesn't get better. I don't know who hired Kelly Cutrone as a judge, because she's a nightmare. After a long hiatus of eight years such as I had, I was surprised by how self-destructive the show had gotten in its later and final seasons.

    Considering the whole series, I have to give a 7/10 instead of the higher score I want to.

    Like any long running series it gets a little worse the digger you deep behind the scenes, and I'm still registering some of what I read on reddit and beyond. But mostly I still like my childhood favorite show.