
  • This is really something poorest in term of intelligence I seen in my entire life. And saddest thing is that there is people buying this kind of pseudo Sci-fi . Then, nothing original was in whole movie. We seen it all. Reminded me on movie 'American Side' - where Tesla's name was abused, but that was at least 100 smarter, while still was stoopid :-)

    Main 'hero' was reckless while driving, and he deserved jail - but authors 'cleverly' skipped that part totally and focused on his and others effort to connect with ...

    They needed to use some at least 80 years old electric devices, done by T.A. Edison self - sure, it would still work, because Edison was genius :-) And worst part: they abused other famous physicist, inventor names from early 20-th Century: Niels Bohr, Tesla, and of course: Einstein. Who worked on some serious things, problems, not like what was here ...

    What was at the ending ? Some blurred mumbling and CGI . I think that nobody cared at that point already, including authors :-)