
  • Besides its lack of an ending (probably designed for future sequels) this vehicle for two superstars of its day is quite disappointing, despite Vivid Video packing it with an impressive cast of regulars for the label.

    After a dumb year-earlier intro set in Naples, where Anna Malle takes on Tony Tedeschi and Bobby Vitale, merely to cuckold Rocco and set the main story in motion, we have Rocco stuck in a sleazy neighborhood of L.A., as if it were purgatory or some other pretentious notion. Tom Byron is around as a cab driver in a lame gimmick that tries to provide some semblance of continuity between various sex scenes. Melissa Hill is wasted as a diner waitress, a similarly functional role to Byron's.

    Jenna Jameson plays a kinky dominatrix who humps but becomes an adversary of bedraggled Rocco, latter wandering through the film without a clue. With Roxanne Hall as one of the sex workers involved in sexual performance art staged by JJ's femme roommate there is no shortage of sexual allure here, but it is aimless and stupid. Hence I was not surprised to see the writing credit go to Cash Markman, surely the underachiever of all time in porn scriptwriting.