
  • Just saw this movie for the second time. Saw it years ago and have been wanting to see it again. I was not disappointed!

    This is a tense chase movie that keeps you guessing. Reeves is again a charming and interesting character. The plot has several twists that keep you guessing. While listed as a "sci-fi" I wouldn't call it that, although the plot revolves around an scientific innovation and the struggle between those who want to share it with the world for free and the big dark powers that want the power for themselves.

    The only change I would make is in cutting the film a little shorter -- there is a "boss battle" at the end that is unnecessary and serves to drag the film longer than need be. We see this in too many films, and every time I lament that filmmakers think we want complicated here-we-go-again finales instead of wrapping up films in a way that makes sense.

    Otherwise, a good film I have enjoyed twice.