• Yes I gave this episode 8 out of 10 because I have sympathy for Melissa Turner (Susannah Hoffman) because she was abused by her own daughter and her creepy possesive doll. She was driven by an edge so much that she wanted to kill her self and her daughter to stop the terror. I sympathy with Melissa because I know how it feels to be abused and be afraid of someone you love. Chinga does not deserve a hate. So what it is different and Mulder is usseles so what?

    I love Season 5 they really do have good storylines, great episodes. Chinga was writen by Stephen King and Chris Carter sadly I am sorry to say this, but this is terrible. This episode is so terrible bad that turns out good just like Christmas Carol and Emilly. Chinga is another Emily episode about Possessive doll and creepy little girl killing people with a spirit of a doll.

    The problems: I hated that litle girl with that creppy doll so much. Mulder (David Duchovny) was useless in this episode. This was another Scully episode without Mulder again and I was tired that this Season focus only on Scully (Gillian Anderson). This is another Child's Play Chuckie movie without Chuckie. What did Chris Carter thinking about writing screenplay only about Scully while Mulder is not even the star in here? David Duchovny is useless and he dosen't do anything in the whole episode, except acting like he is bored out of his mind and dosen't want to be in here!

    Again I hated that little girl she annoyed me so damn much with that doll that has the power possesing people and killing them. I am glad that Scully saved that Young single mom Melissa (Susannah Hoffmann) by hiting her self with a hammer in her head in which Scully throw the doll in the microwave, where it bursts into flames and melts. The ending made no sense to me. The doll is burned but is found and alive again? this sucks sh***y ending.

    Tired of terrible episodes, the only redeeming aspect is Gillian Anderson's performance and Susannah Hoffman as Melissa Turner who was been abused and was victim by her own daughter. She driven by edge and she try to ended so that was reedemed in the episode. Gillian Anderson is incredible at acting awesome heroine a real bad-ass FBI Agent but without Mulder sorry, it is not the same. It could have been at least more scary and horror about it, but it wasn't. If you want to watch a damn good scary horror episode in The X-Files? I suggest you watch "Die Hand Die Verletzt" Second Season I think you will s**t in you pens, I did.