• Generally speaking, I am someone who enjoys movies that other people consider bad; so if I have to struggle to get through your film (and it's not some kind of lame historical epic award bait thing), you're in trouble. I am likely the only person on earth who would place The Astro-Zombies in my list of top five favourite movies, when many other people find it unwatchable. Sit me down with some low budget horror film that no one has heard of, and I will probably enjoy it, even if I am the only person on earth who does. And knowing that this has one of my favourite musicians in it, I was expecting to enjoy it. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Little Richard was only in one scene (and was given a sub-par song to perform), and the rest was mostly a lot of dull scenes of teen-agers playing volleyball, which is not something that I have any particular interest in. I guess the beach party genre isn't for me.