• Porco Rosso is a World War I veteran flyboy who is cursed with the face of a pig. He flies his seaplane after the war as a bounty hunter working for the money. He is hired to rescue a group of kidnapped girls and retrieve a loot of gold from flying pirates. Gina is one of his oldest friends who is the respected owner of a local bar. Donald Curtis is an American rival who is eager to defeat him. After he gets shot down by Curtis, he brings his plane to Mr. Piccolo's repair shop where he's introduced to Piccolo's brilliant plane designing granddaughter Fio.

    This is a little different than Miyazaki's other works. Most of the time, his protagonists are much younger. Porco Rosso is a much older protagonist. The world has literally left its mark on his face. Before watching the movie, I assumed it to be a magical curse. It may still be magic but I'm more convinced that its a substitute for those soldiers who were left with horrible facial scars after fighting WWI. Many were horribly scarred by the war. Porco is also very world weary. His cavalier attitude seems to have more to do with his lack of fear for his own safety. There is an overall tired nature to his character and as a consequence, the world has a piece of that. In the end, he's alone. There is less magic in this one even if it is still a flight of fancy.