• This series is not objectively funny and it's an insult to anyone's intelligence (and I'm being polite): it's repetitive, the jokes are told over and over again and it's not funny after 8 times heard time after time... I understand, this was on everybody's TV back in the day, and all the family used to watch it, and for those memories I have a lot of respect and love for this show, but don't let the subjectivity on your heart blind your judgement, this is not a masterpiece, I mean, you guys ranked it a 10!!??? Really??! So you're saying this is as good as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or even The Sopranos??? I'm sorry but you are terribly blind my fellow reviewers. Heck, I think even "Derbez en Cuando" was objectively more creative and funnier and I don't even like it as much as I like El Chavo.