• My wife and I went to see this movie because Kristen Wiig is in it and it looked like it would be funny. It is funny - but it is a lot more. It is quirky (we love quirky movies!), edgy, sometimes uncomfortable, but mostly enlightening (as in bringing light in). It could have been titled "Where'd you go Human Spirit?", or "Where'd you go Imagination?, or "This is what happens to society when fear drives honest, loving, intelligent people to start acting weird and give up on each other". And it shows us the answer in a very positive way. So, it was not Bridesmaids. Closer to "Welcome to Me" or "Skeleton Twins" maybe (I loved both), but not really like any other movie I can think of. Note: The critics seemed to not like it. That is almost a sure sign of a good movie to me. Bless their pointy little heads.