
  • So many reviews on here telling how awful this was, what were they expecting? Spielberg? Coppolla? It's a Happy Madison film with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. If you watch the trailer, you already know it's not a serious mystery. It's advertised as fun, campy, goofy and a complete waste of an hour and a half. It's not the next Oscar contender. It's a mildly funny, fairly entertaining tale of a NYPD cop, who continues to fail to make detective, who gets shamed into finally taking his wife on a European honeymoon. While en route, his wife befriends a rich Englishman who invites them onto his billionaire uncle's yacht. In a twist that Stevie Wonder could see coming (the title is Murder Mystery, after all), a murder occurs. It's up to the hapless American couple to try to solve the caper. Seriously, if you're not expecting this to be blissfully moronic and predictable, and existing only to entertain, perhaps you should just crawl back into the basement of the art house film theater you crawled out of. It's dumb, it's campy, it's just a silly project concocted by Sandler to convince himself his career is not all dead. And to be honest, going in, expecting exactly what I got, I actually enjoyed it. The supporting cast was just as dumb and over-the-top as the rest of the movie. And that's fine. It's a fun movie to unplug from reality and just watch. People don't have to make things so complicated. However, it should have been named Adam, Jennifer, and the really cold set.