• I guess you just can't go back and re-capture that magic and honesty of House of 1,000 Corpses and the superior The Devil's Rejects. I give kudos to Rob for giving it a go but this movie just plain fell flat. All the ingredients were there...Gore, blood, guts, filth, profanity, humor, revenge. I just was not able to get excited scared or involved with the film. It wasn't slow, it was just meh. Granted, I have never been a fan of Sheri Moon and I think she has taken every movie down a notch or two that Rob insists on including her in. Verily, her scenes are like some sort of music video with her prancing around all "evil" and cutesy in slow motion. She's clearly the centerpiece here and that's a shame because Bill Moseley is the king of horror and although he does his best with the material at hand, he can't salvage the script and the overall "story". New guy, Richard Brake the "brother in law" does a decent job filling the gap left by Sid Haig (who does have a brief appearance in the film), but it all feels very forced and lacks overall conviction. It's just "meh" and I really wanted it to be Rejects part 2.

    I realize we aren't dissecting the works of Shakespeare here. It's a Rob Zombie horror film. Those that love everything he does, will love it. I personally think he got it right with House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, but ever since then...he's been trying to recapture that glory and has failed to do so.