• I attended the 3rd and final night of the film's theatrical presentation. The 3rd night happened to be a double feature featuring The Devil's Rejects leading right into it's sequel. I think this was unfortunately a fatal decision since it truly shows how inferior of a film this is to its predecessor. From incredible first act problems to 75% of plot points being rehashed from the previous film, 3 From Hell falls flat. Imagine a car continuously stalling, it gets so close to taking off, but perpetually stalls. This film lacked that dirty, nasty, gross taste we expect with a Rob Zombie film and instead replaces it with silly silly humor and Hollywood production. The film gradually feels more Hollywood and standard as we approach the third act which presents itself like one big reshot 3rd act almost completely separate from themes and character arcs presented in the first half of the film. While it was a joy to see the Firefly family once again, I feel this film ultimately tarnishes the image of the first two thirds of this trilogy. Predictable and tame; two words I'd never expect to describe a sequel to The Devil's Rejects.