• This film is mature in light of many other Christian drama films, most of which are weak attempts at evangelism disguised with a thin veneer of a storyline to dress it up.

    I found this film confronting and surprisingly mature. I'm tired of the cookie-cutter evangelism rhetoric that is so prevalent in Christian society. At first you encounter John, who seems to have completed some training course in how to share his faith. He meets Chris, a depressed ex-pastor who has lost his faith in God. John pulls out the old "one-two punch" evangelism model, presenting a flimsy message about how God will give Chris peace and hope etc.

    Then he discovers more about Chris, who he is, and what he has been through. He comes to realise that textbook answers just don't cut it in the face of real life. What follows from there is ... well you'll have to check it out for yourself.

    This movie challenges some of the "easy answers" and cliches many Christians try to throw at life's real problems, such as mental health, relationships, family, etc. It shows vividly that Christians don't have all the answers - and even though we know the One who does, that doesn't become a simple solution to life's problems.

    A hard-hitting film about life, love, family, faith, death, and God. A razzle-dazzle big-budget Hollywood blockbuster this ain't. But it does confront some of the mindsets of today's Christian thought and reason. Check it out. I'm glad I did.