
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not going to spoil the movie for you, (there's nothing to spoil) but this is as if The Room was put in a blender (plot points mixed up) and then polished up.

    In this version, it's Percy's dad who tells him that his girlfriend is a catch and that he has to work hard to keep her (instead of Lisa's mom), the friend, Freedgood, gets Percy mixed up in the drug deal (Denny, Chris R.) Veronica is someone with expensive taste (like Lisa) but Percy is the useless stay-at-home boyfriend that does nothing.

    It's not bad enough or funny enough to watch as a bad movie, but not good enough (in any sense) to watch as a good movie.

    The film just wants to show off the expensive location and Willa Holland in a swimsuit.

    Don't watch it. Do something else with you life.