• If the show isn't writing Peter Parker completely incompetent and overall embarrassing it is putting the spot light on characters who nobody cares about. Peter is set up to fail so that characters like Ms Marvel, Gwen or Miles can succeed. The show insults the legacy of Peter Parker at every chance it gets, always making sure that he only get's to play the role of damsel in distress or comedic sidekick while other characters do all the fighting and heroic action. Peter Parker in the show himself points out how often he get's put into humiliating situations while all the other spider ripoffs are shown as superior to him in every way. A way to improve the show would be to cut all spider rip off characters completely and let Peter mature into the heroic and amazing superhero we all used to know and love. Let him save the girl (the almost soap opera like romance used to be a huge part of Spider-Man after all), let him make good jokes at the expense of other (that is why he started out making jokes in the first place). Do not tear him down to elevate charters nobody cares about. But it seems clear that the writers of the show hate Peter Parker and don't want him to overshadow the new female and minority spider rip off characters.