• After suffering through some horrible stuff on Netflix I gave his a try on HBO.. and was pleasantly surprised. I liked that the movie fixed some of the issues I didn't like with the trailer. The lead here is a typical millennial working for an energy drink company. After a disastrous pitch of the product in Chicago she gets kind of drunk and boards a plane back to NYC. Taking pity on her, a flight attendant upgrades her to first class. It is there that she is seated next to Jack. She continues drinking champaign until a bout of serious turbulence causes her to spill every secret she has to a total stranger, Jack. (unlike the trailer it is clear this comes out because of her being drunk). Of course, the next day Jack shows up at her company and turns out to be the CEO of the company. Hijinks ensue.

    The acting imho sold this story. Alexandra Daddario makes the main character down to earth and reasonable while still seeming attractive. She even most of the film tries to look "normal" and unglams her character. There is no un-glaming Tyler Hoechlin but his good looks are played for laughs and I appreciated that he tried to play it like a legitimate and competent CEO of a company formost and interested suitor second.

    For me, the final act doesn't work... the two of them seem to be getting along great and falling for each other and then, something has to happen to put it in jeopardy... well, what it was... wasn't enough to really sell jeopardy. That is the fault of the book but... still compared to the boardline offensive junk I have seen lately this was quite good and I laughed a few times.