• If your not in the mood for a Drama and just want to kick back and watch a simple action fil then this is your flick. B movie, low budget but I watched it as I was going to sleep.. I didn't want to have to think and just sat back and enjoy the suspense and fun battles which do not stop. The good guy(s) protecting a beautiful Brunette w/ Blue eyed young woman and they're intent on n getting her for being a whistleblower. Eye candy, lol. This is a guys flick, few ladies will enjoy it. No back story at all lol, just good old fashioned shoot em up low budget film. If you turn it on to watch with your girlfriend or wife.. she's gonna bail on you in less than 2 minutes. Again, it's a fun watch if your in a mindless, sleepy mode and are to tired to delve into a 'real movie' then this is your show. I thought it was fun enough to rate it a 7 to offset the haters and thought enough of it to comment on it after watching it as I fell asleep last night. There are so many crappy B movies that aren't worth watching.. the names Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris and David Spade come to mind. But there's nobody you've ever seen before here and it's some simple good late night fun to keep you awake as your eyes are fading to sleep. If that's ok then give it a shot, but don't watch it as your main event if the evening, then get mad and send a silly hate review afterward. If you can't figure out before you watch it, that it's a B movie non stop action, shooting and campy type flick then you must not have checked out before you watched it😊