
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can agree with other reviewers that a lot of this movie's issues at the box office probably had to do with mis-marketing. The title makes it sound like the movie is about a woman having a baby. That's only one plot point. This movie is about a guy trying to figure out if he really wants to settle down, even while he is in the process of actually settling down. Some of the most entertaining sequences take place fully in Jake's (Kevin Bacon) imagination as he projects on the rather surreal suburban situation he finds himself in. Some of the most moving sequences are about the title situation, including possibly the best match of a beautiful pop song to the action taking place on screen (which, incredibly, was written post production exactly for those scenes by Karen Bush and yet still stands entirely on its own). The problem, though, besides the fact that the title alludes to something that doesn't happen until way late in the plot and is not given much screen-time, is that Jake is kind of a self-involved doofus. It is very difficult to sympathize with him sometimes, although Bacon charms and tries his best. The character as written has a bit of the same problem that Ferris Bueller as written has: is this guy for real? But that late plot point comes around to save the movie in the end. It's a watchable film, but I would not call it this director's greatest.