• Warning: Spoilers
    I cannot tell anyone enough how much I love this episode. The perfectly paced build to a solid finale is just so well done. This is Matt and Trey's finest moment. We all know Cartman is diabolical and this episode highlights that to the extreme. As Kyle and Stan learnt that day; don't miss Cartman off! It's disturbing, it's twisted, best of all, it's funny! We all wanted to see him get revenge on Scott (although Cartman has done worse to other kids) and this is next level revenge. We all know what it's like to be bullied or terrorised by someone when we were young and there was a part of many of us that enjoyed this ending (but would never do ANYTHING like this). Scott Tennerman had no idea who he was dealing with when he decided to mess with Eric Cartman. Definitely up there as best episode ever