• Warning: Spoilers
    The female lead, Lin Chun-Jiao (Tia Lee) is a driven career woman who has focused her life on earning money to support the only family she has left, her stepmom and brother. Her world is turned upside down when she discovers that failing ovaries impact future family. Her stepmom starts a quest to get her beloved daughter happily married. I was very surprised in this one because, from reading the description I thought it would be like an episode of the bachelorette where the word goes out and potential suitors are lined up. The way iit plays out is the men are actually already a part of her life and the interactions develop along more natural lines with some pushing and urging from those around her. To me that was much more believable and allowed for fuller character development. To win a large account JoJo goes to work for a cold, distant, General Manager of a hotel chain, Yi Sheng (Jacob Hwang). The story between the two is a little like beauty and the beast where JoJo's extreme likeability slowly starts to thaw Yi Sheng's cold exterior. Things are not as simple as they seem though when JoJo's college love Tang Zai-qin returns following an 8 year separation that grew from a simple misunderstanding. Opening yourself to love changes a person and other men in her circle start to see her in a different light. There is a point in the movie where this "Eat, Pray, Love element comes in - you know the go on a quest to find yourself type thing - and I can't say that I loved that trajectory but the overall story was good enough that was a minor irritation for me. Some people really loved "Eat, Pray, Love" so others might actually enjoy that part. If you are not one of them, just know that does not overshadow the story. I got a little worried about the ending - I am not a fan of sad endings or where you follow characters the entire time only to have things drift at the end. That doesn't happen - it ends well.