• Enjoyable bio-pic of Madalyn Murray O'Hair the most famous Atheist that probably lived. Maybe she's the reason that hymns stopped being sung in the school that I attended in Blighty.. Who knows in middle school it was mid 80s by the 90s they had stopped.

    It's always hard to do a film like this because let's be honest you are only going to get one side of the kidnap story from the actual point of the hostage situation. We will never know what happened during those days and what ultimately lead to the story coming to its grime end.

    What happened to the gold?

    Did his account really happen, I doubt it but again only have half a story to tell.

    What is undeniable is the blunder of the police not to act sooner which could have saved lives.

    I wish more of the film would have been dedicated to how they got to that point and her life story, it could have been better. She has left a legacy and let's be honest it's the only belief that has never started a war.

    BTW yes I'm an....