• This exceeded my expectations, but only in 3D. It's phenomenal in that format. I defy anyone to watch the flat version and the stereoscopic version and not be a 3D convert afterwards. It's just pure magic. Almost every shot is either striking or has something interesting going on, dimensionally. A top-notch effort by the original filmmakers and, of course, the restoration team, without whose wizardly work we'd never have had this 3D treat.

    I like the film itself for what it is--a breezy, slightly dopey sailing adventure with a hint of romance and a fun little treasure hunt thrown in. Joanne Dru is better than this film, Mark Stevens is perfect for it (and seems to be having a blast), while Asher Dann and Robert Strauss are just, well, there. I think the script squanders its chances of creating some real tension later on, which undermines what Dru is trying her best to wring out of the thin plot. Both the love triangle and the dark character twists are shrugged off. But there's a lot to enjoy here: the underwater scenes, the flamenco dance, the Mediterranean scenery, some fun banter, the boat itself in 3D, and the lovely Miss Dru. I've watched the movie three times already and I've liked it more each time, which bodes well for its longevity.