• This film was recommended to me by my brother a few years ago, and we have similar tastes in movies, so I gave it a shot, but turned it off after only a few minutes as I just couldn't get into it. I found myself giving it another chance a few nights ago when I couldn't sleep so pulled this up on Netflix to fall asleep to, but I watched the whole thing... twice! Many will find this movie boring, but that's what is good about it! The film draws the viewer into the day to day monotony of our hero--err, antihero--and gives you an almost first person glimpse into the life of this awkward deadbeat Canadian slacker. True, the plot meanders, the acting is a bit sub par at times (particularly from our lead actor), it doesn't follow the traditional structure and therefore hard to predict, and our lead character has no redeeming qualities to speak of and therefore is difficult to sympathize with, but the film still succeeds despite all of these seemingly shortcomings... you don't sympathize with the guy because you're not meant to! Besides story, the sparse cinematography and interesting shot compositions, consisting of mostly static shots and long takes, were a high point that showcased the filmmakers' skill working with an ultra low budget, and was reminiscent of early Jim Jarmusch. The film is also very short, so even if you're one of those who hate it, you'll only have wasted about 70 minutes.