• Yes, the set-up and tropes are all cliches. Yes, some of the backstories given to flesh out the characters seem strained. And yes, it starts out slow, although the "What was that?" and "Did you see that?" moments seemed like promises of better things to come. No, the acting wasn't all horrible (several of the actors are professionals, although none of them boast A-list credentials, and most of them can act competently). There were moments when, listening to the dialogue between characters meant to establish histories and relationships, I was sorta reminded of the relationships between characters in 1980s slasher movies--while not examples of stellar screenwriting, the scripts of those flicks often strove to create some sense of sympathy for their characters, unlike many of today's low-budget concoctions. Nothing new (or really compelling) is offered, but it's hardly unwatchable, and a rather admirable effort.