• Though the trailer did not speak to me, I began seeing all the rave reviews, and more importantly remarks from friends whose tastes I trusted, along the lines of, "it's beautiful- you will cry", and "...might be the best movie I have ever seen".

    Well, I must say that not only do I not understand how someone would see this as one of the best movies they have ever seen, but I can't even comprehend how anyone would enjoy sitting through this movie AT ALL. I know this is going to be a cliche and expected thing to say, but, it is so fitting that the movie is about painting because this is the closest film equivalent I have ever seen to "watching paint dry".

    First, the positive things: it was quite pretty to look at.

    Now, the negatives: it is actually mindblowing to me just how boring this movie is. Like, one would have to purposefully write, cast, and edit this exactly as it is with the intention of making it one of the most stagnant films of all time. The characters are all completely drab and lacking any hint of unique characteristics, or even the most base level of charm. It is not at the fault of the cast, as it is clear that they are all very capable actresses, however the script does not allow them to do much with their performances, considering all the characters are so lifeless that it drains them of all likability by default. A love story intended to be emotive simply does not work when the characters are so unlikable. I did not care for any of the characters and by the time it was halfway over I really just wanted them to get whatever it was they were trying to do over with so I didn't have to see them anymore. I understand it was relevant to the era, but their inability to be honest with themselves or take ANY sort of action whatsoever, for so long, was slightly irritating to watch. Though I'm often a fan of slow-burning films, the snail's pace of this one does not do it any favors, considering there is almost zero pay off. The dialogue is so bland and empty, it feels lobotomizing. So much could have been cut from this dismal offering. I understand the film is about painting, but I could not find a purpose for the many long shots of brush strokes which all looked the same, and by no means represented anything symbolic. It did not help that the movie had almost zero music score, outside of a few scenes where music was relevant to the story (some of the only stimulating scenes in the entire film). The movie was so quiet, basically silent for half the time, and because of this I could hear the sub bass and epic soundscape scoring from The Invisible Man in the next theater over, and naturally, wished I was watching that grippingly entertaining movie again instead. I mean it when I say: this is one of the dullest movies I have ever seen.

    "Not for me, mate"