• Dr. Brendon Cole was hired to examine a long lost mechanical doll. Based on reports on the dolls functionallity he tries to authenticate it as the mysterious "Infernal Princess".

    I stumbled across Lawrie Brewster during the kickstarter campaign to "The Unkindness of Ravens". Since then I know Hex Media as a reliable source of excellent indie horror movies. They´ve proven more than once that they know how to tell a story, in words, pictures and music. And, I think this deserves special mention, they know how to stay consistent till the end! Besides the fantastic narration and the beautiful soundtrack I have to spend a few words on the main actor. In the years I followed Lewrie Brewster´s work I also became a big fan of Jamie Scott Gordon´s style of acting. I think it´s a real challenge to play these roles with the appropriate level of insanity and he convinces me in every single movie! It is a great pleasure to watch Dr. Cole´s efforts to discover the dolls secrets and how he starts doubting his sanity.

    Automata aka The Devil´s Machine is surely the most elaborate Hex Media production and again, it´s a surprise how much value they get out of their tight budget!