• I have been a fan of TWW for at least 20 years, and up until recently a year didn't go by without me having a TWW DVD marathon of all seven seasons more or less back2back over a period of a couple of months or so.

    When I first started to watch the show back in the early 00s, I thought it was quite excellent in terms of the writing and of course the acting. I realise there was a period of instability when Sorkin left at the backend of S4, and S5 suffered for it with its uneven and improbably storylines. But by and large the show was a extremely well done, and still remains relevant even today.

    Personally I am more of a moderate Conservative with my politics, and there were many times throughout the show where the rather liberal ideology would grate. But I managed to take a more objective pov, and the show didn't suffer for it.

    And the funny thing is, when I first started watching the show I would always rank the first 4 seasons as the very best. But now I much prefer seasons 6 & 7 over 1 and possibly 4. Seasons 2 and 3 were the pinnacle years for the show, in my opinion, but season 7 was a real highlight, not least because it moved us away from the familiar tedium of The White House, to the far more interesting presidential election campaign, and the wonderful performances from Alda, Spencer and Whitford.

    A little dated now perhaps, but it still stands the test of time and excellent writing.

    What's next?