• Warning: Spoilers
    Although it seems the series is getting dumber and dumber I am still intrigued. I want to know what the final outcome will be to the awful Breaking Bad (reboot).

    Marty implicates himself, his family, and Ruth in a brief but loud (thanks to special effects) text communication with Rachel back at the restaurant/bar. As if the FBI can not subpoena phone records.

    Ruth's character has gone back to her old ways which I can understand because Marty doesn't seem to have her back and is basically all about himself. But she can be smarter and make money doing things in a more safer manner.....but hey the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Mason and Wendy both have their "come to Jesus" moments which make the episode drag out sooooooo long and make it sooooooo boring. BUT at least for 10 secs its revealed that Marty bribed the medical examiner when it came to Grace's remains being found on the Snells property. Also, within that 10 secs it was revealed that the police was also aware of what the Byrdes did. WOW!!!!

    The only excitement in the episode and why I gave it the 3 stars is because I was not sure if Mason would accidentally shoot his own child, himself, or one of the Byrdes at the end.