• Warning: Spoilers
    It's the typical tame the bad boy story where John Ashley finds out he is air tube on a stage, only he has to change his ways from fast cars and bad girls and walk a tightrope. Along with Jody Fair and Gene Vincent, Ashley provides really nothing in this American International b film that outside a few amusing bits with the old gals and some sardonic quips has little to recommend. There's some rock numbers thrown in for good measure, but this can hardly be classified as a rock musical. It really doesn't even have much going on as far as the cars are concerned, only a confrontation between Ashley and Vincent at the beginning and a car chase between the two at the end. They of course our hated rivals, pretty much for no reason other than they just want to be the king of cool. The result is neither gets the crown and this ends up in the trash heap where old cars go to be turned into liquid metal.