• Warning: Spoilers
    If you are a fan of Survival films and if you find the storyline interesting, then this film is worth watching. Why I say so is that the only thing that prevents you from ever watching this film is....negative reviews. Those who rated this <6 stars may have focused on the flawed premise Or simply they might have watched a ton of similar films. But I personally feel that there is absolutely no reason that you could hate this film.

    Many people may feel that the creatures are not as haunting as they are supposed to be. However, I personally feel that it's quite okay as we are shown from a perspective of a normal family. For a cinematic experience, we need a huge monster to feel the horror, but in reality, we can't even face a stray dog. So, it's convincing enough that a normal person can't protect himself when a couple of flesh eating bat like creatures prey on him. Not everytime the scenario need to be like " The end of the world". Here, it's more like protecting the family until the situation comes under control. So, this is more like a survival film rather than a post apocalyptic film. The premise is similar to "A Quite Place" which I had rated 1/10. So what makes this different from A Quite Place? The difference is that, from the beginning of the film, you seem to care more about the characters. Not much time was taken to develop the characters but you would fall in love with them, especially the deaf daughter & the Grandma. What makes this film a decent one was that the characters behave rationally unlike in quiet place. This makes you ignore all the plot holes and anomalies in the premise. Instead we tend to care more for the characters. The only problem with the film is the unnecessary introduction of a mysterious cult which was okay but doesn't add much to the film. Could've worked if it's a TV Series spanning multiple seasons. Instead the makers should've shown more about the family's journey to their ultimate survival.

    In Quiet Place, the characters behave so ludicrously that they infact become a threat to their own family. It was quite evident when their little son dies in the opening sequence. I blame it on all other family members. Father...for keeping the batteries within the reach of the kid, Sister...for giving the toy, both the parents... for leaving behind the youngest member of the family ( a 3 year old, I guess) in such a life threatening scenario. In addition to this, choosing to have a baby again and leaving a nail on the staircase etc..makes it absolutely disgusting to watch. Whereas, in The Silence, each character cares for one another.. Stanley Tucci, the father...Does everything he could to save his family. Even killing the dog which is actually a threat to the family. Uncle Glenn... Tries his best to lead his best friend's family (Tucci's)) to safety and threatens Tucci to leave him and take care of his family after meeting with a tragic accident. Daughter... I'm totally in love with her for no reason at all. Though she's deaf, she exhibits an incredible presence of mind throughout the film. Infact, she's the one who finds out the ultimate path to survival. Son... Doesn't have much to do but still adorable. Grandma: the most lovable character in the film. When she comes to know that she's a threat to her daughter's family, she wants to sacrifice herself. She cares for her daughter so much that one would see their own mom in her. Ultimately, she sacrifices herself for her grand daughter when the cult wants to abduct her. Mom....her relation with the Grandma is beautiful. So that's what makes this film worth watching for...A family who cares for each other.

    The only reason why I write this review is that I personally feel so bad for the makers when critics and audiences hail a ridiculous film like "A Quiet Place" made with a huge budget and pan a decent film like this.