• Bec I love animals. If you don't like animals, you will dislike it. without having read the books, I thought the characters were mis-cast.

    I have to think that those who didn't like it, stopped watching, and didn't bother to review.

    the Show is very dated - stiff, melodramatic in a narrow, simplistic way. Like the Brady Bunch, with none of the charm & wit of The Andy Griffith show. 1980- may seem old for people 20s- 30s- but for those of us who lived it- it really isn't. early on 1st season, Siegfried bought some pigs, bec cost of pork was going u. but, they were too much trouble (country vet should have known). Sending the pigs to the slaughterhouse without a twinge. Tristan remarks, pigs are OK but bacon is what's important. OMG- these are animal loving vets. was this in the books?

    Often they are very heartless about butchering animals. that would be true of farmers. but it left a really unpleasant taste.

    Tristan, as remarked, doesn't have the looks, or the charm of a ladies' man. James, lacks the energetic, magnetic quality. Siegfried at times seems kind, competent, other times dithering. According to some who read the books, he is tall good-looking & elegant

    I had it on while I was doing other things, and I think it got a little better - Bec of the actors, the way the characters were written, the stiff, flat acting & dialogue; I didn't find it charming or funny.