
  • James Barton is the fiery, bad tempered captain Hurricane. co-stars Gene Lockhart as Captain Taylor, Helen Westley as Abbie, and Henry Travers (Clarence, from Wonderful Life !) When Hurricane bugs Abbie to marry him, she invites the other locals to socialize, in an effort to tame Hurricane. The men all vie for the affections of Abbie, and now it's a toss up to see who she will marry. and because it takes place in new england, there's talk of cranberry bogs, and inventions that will help when it gets foggy along the coast. Barton had started in vaudeville, was a dancer, and moved into talkies. looks like he did mostly short films prior to this one. keep an eye out for young Helen Mack... she had done a couple silents, before the talkies started, but even when THIS was made, she was only 22. her love interest is played by Doug Walton. died real young at 51 of a heart attack. Film directed by John Robertson; he did TONS of stuff in the silents, then moved right into talkies. even has a song about him by the Byrds...."Old John Robertson", according to wikipedia dot org. it's pretty good, for an oldie but a goodie. i'm surprised at its low rating, as of today. i liked it better than the other 70 who voted here on imdb.