• I have just recently watched this - in 2020! I was five when this originally aired. I am, however, a huge television lover and have watched old soaps like Dynasty. I cannot imagine anyone that loves those shows not finding this series completely hilarious.

    The cast is fantastic - maybe even more fantastic now than it was then seeing how many of these actors went on to have solid and interesting careers. Carol Burnett nailed the character of Charlotte to the wall of her crumbling dynasty and I adored her in this.

    The storyline was solid enough that it kept me intrigued for all five hours. It had twists and turns I didn't expect. Sometimes they were funny sometimes they weren't.

    The humor in this reminded me a lot of the humor in the classic Lampoon's Vacation films. I wish they still made this style of entertainment. Silly & ridiculous are underrated. Maybe bc they are hard to do really well as they did here. Yes, that's what I said. There are quality levels of silly and ridiculous and the quality of Fresno is top notch.