• Warning: Spoilers
    People need to stop saying this game is badly written just because they didn't write the game the way you wanted & the characters didn't get the story lines you wanted.

    The game is exceptional & on par with the first one, the story repercussions are even more meaningful like I've never felt so guilty for decisions I've made in game as badly as I did with this game.

    The combat is so improved from the first game but at the same time so similar & more importantly the bow is finally the weapon it deserves to be, The puzzles are intriguing & complicated at times they make you think.

    The graphics are exceptional especially when you in the overgrown wilderness & the open areas are well designed with plenty to explore & the smaller areas are complicated & built for combat or stealth naturally without feeling like there designed.

    Abby is disliked by many for the brutal murder of Joel but I feel if you look back at what Joel & Ellie did you her family & friends it's a justified murder & for Ellie's revenge she is fully entitled to get revenge but In the process she kills more of abby's friends & family with far more collateral damage but yet Abby repeatedly lets her live, sure Abby isn't a hero as I feel nobody in this game is but sad to say it but if we want to point fingers Joel & Ellie are the bad guys of these games but in a world like the last of us is anybody good or bad? Aren't they all just surviving