• Warning: Spoilers
    This was always one of my favorite episodes, partly because it seemed like so much was happening. Instead of an episode where none of the regulars even leaves camp or faces any threat to life or liberty, we have in this episode a high-ranking German officer (Harold J. Stone) as Major Teppel visiting, then Hogan & Co. are all taken to Berlin for questioning, with the real task for the Teppel (really an American spy) using Hogan and his men to capture a German spy who has come from London and who has enough information to get Hogan's men all shot as spies and most of the Underground as well.

    Teppel's plan involves drugging the German spy with a special ring, smuggling him out of his hotel in an ambulance and then to Stalag 13 where he will be taken back to England as a prisoner. But the plan goes awry when Gestapo men come to the hotel before Teppel and Hogan can leave (after the spy has been taken out) and they are to take the spy to meet a general. Hogan winds up pretending to be the spy, but he winds up between a rock and a hard place, because even if he somehow persuades the Gestapo in the lobby to no take him immediately, Teppel's backup plan can get Hogan killed when leaving the hotel.

    There were many funny lines despite the fact that this plot was much more serious than usual, with a pending threat to all of Hogan's Heroes and a more immediate one to Hogan himself.

    When this one started and I remembered what it was about, I started thinking, "Is this a two-part episode?" I could remember that they spent most of the show away from camp and that lots of things were happening. But they packed it all into just one episode, somehow. Funny, more dramatic than most, and memorable adds up to a 10 from this reviewer.